Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Title Sequence Progress

Trying to plough ahead with my title sequence but I've hit a bit of a wall trying to get the text as I want it. I've been trying to film it from an old crt tele, managed to stop it flickering and get the lighting right but for some reason the camera is adding a jitter almost as if I was hand holding it but it's on a tripod. Here's a screenshot. Visually gorgeous, but not working as an animation. Hoping I can fix it as the digital vector just does not have the same effect.

White Glove Tracking

Another interesting processing find I think you'll enjoy. Users were allowed to track the location of Michael Jacksons white glove in an old live video performance. The tracking co-ordinates were then used to generate all types of imagery to sit on the tracking area, for example another image, movie, a shape, using the tracking to generate something. Very cool project which once again shows the diversity of processing at an advanced level.


Let there be Block

I've started to research Processing online for my self negotiated brief, it really is an incredibly flexible language with very many interesting results. Here is something I found earlier which I found particularly interesting. It's sort of like a processing tetris, but you can drag to have more blocks, create anti gravity, shake the blocks and many more things. Really lovely. Drag the mouse to start: http://www.openprocessing.org/visuals/?visualID=7686

 Really looking forward to sinking my teeth into processing. Going to be extremely challenging but I'm hoping something good will come out of it. There is a lot of inspirational work to access, and seen as it's all Open Source once I understand the basic premise I can download other peoples work and play with it myself. (hopefully) This kind of stuff probably a bit out of my depth but good inspiration.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Animated Gif website

I am not an artist is animated gif paranoia. Very very cool to sit and watch, and play with. You can also participate by uploading your own gifs which will be added to the page. I've uploaded a few as well including my jelly beans one and a funny one of me and louise


Saturday, 27 March 2010

Airbrushed for change

Website were people submit their own version of the infamous David Cameron poster that is everywhere nowadays. It's now also broadened out to just generally mock the conservative campaign... worth a looksee if you don't like tories, or even if you do, it's pretty funny.



Randomly spiffed up my blog a tiny bit, very tiny bit because Blogspot CSS annoys me.


Monday, 22 March 2010

My Virtual Space

Final(ish) piece for 3 cubed project. Few bits I'd like to work on but pretty pleased for now:

My Virtual Space from Amy Thornley on Vimeo.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Storyboard sneakpeak

Here's an example of a few storyboards/concept art for my title sequence. More to come soon!

P.s. Working on 3cubed in after effects has driven me insane

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Whip it! Whip it Good!

They don't make em like they used to...

Memoirs of a Scanner

Very cool video filmed entirely on a scanner to create a sense of a story.

Memoirs of a Scanner (Martinibomb Version) from Damon Stea on Vimeo.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

3 Cubed Progress

Spent all day Wednesday in the studio taking some photo's for my 3cubed project. Still only about halfway through even the photographing progress but it's going okay. Managed to get the toolbox animated and photographed the objects to represent music, documents and video files on my computer. Unfortunately the documents arnt going to work as I'd wanted so I've got to redo those as something else not week a long with image files and my macbook.

Here's a photo from the studio
And one with the background removed ready for animation:

There's a few light changes throughout but it was really inevitable using stop-motion for this part. Overall looking pretty good though. (:

War Games

Our latest project for our digital practice class is a title sequence. I've chosen to do War Games. Won't release any snippets of my idea yet, but here's a trailer for those of you who havn't seen this classic:

Sunday, 7 March 2010

3cubed animation test

Quick test I've done for my 3cubed project of showing how the vinyls etc. would build and animate. Think I'm going to also do them from slight angles to add a bit more interest. Also going to try and work on giving the background a bit more depth.

Go here to see: http://www.amythornley.co.uk/stuff/records.html

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

If everything on your computer were real...

It may look like this:

Click for detail. Also ignore the squares on such things like after effects, couldn't work out for the life of me how to draw a projector, typewriter or overhead projector from above.