Saturday, 19 December 2009

Its Snowing!

It's snowing on my blogger page!

Thanks to: and javascript.

Harry Potter Information Graphics

Finally redid the design of these to look a little nicer for my information graphics earlier this year, looking a lot spiffier. Gonna try and get this down to a nice size and get a preloader on it sometime.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Green Screen Project

For the last six weeks me and Louise ( have been working on our green screen project. We based our idea for our human interface on the idea of someone changing from something quite likeable and light to someone quite dark and manipulative. To demonstrate this we wanted to take a real life example, so we based our piece on Charles Manson.

Here are a few screenshots:

A-B: Signs

Another hour and a half project, to create a signage system from one point to another using only signs. We decided to re-interpreted arrows as hands. Heres a few photos:

A-B: Text

This was an hour and a half project were we had to create a signage system from one point to another in Thomas Parker House. We decided we wanted to play with the idea of perspective. Here's a few photos of what we did:

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Playing with Numbers

Here are the final screens for my playing with numbers project. Pretty pleased with them, some may need a little tweaking, background colour changes etc.

Click for larger versions.

Monday, 26 October 2009

How to do a two step wallflip

Work for this weeks Information Graphics deadline. Had to create instructions in the form of text, audio, pictoral or diagram for an extraordinary task. I decided to do a two step wallflip (the one where you run up a wall then flip backwards)

Here are some of my outcomes, click for detail!




Thursday, 22 October 2009

Playing With Numbers

From a project called 'Playing With Numbers' where we have to create imagery in flash using action script.

Here are some of my first experiments from the first week:

Got some more complex code to play with now....More to come!

Monday, 19 October 2009

Rainbow Cake

Then we made rainbow cake.

What I did over the summer

Fear and Loathing GUI

Graphic User Interface based around the book/film of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Used the idea of LSD Tabs, each one being a drug trip or event in the book.

Obama Badges

Quick first year project creating badges to celebrate Obama being elected president. Took inspiration from one of his speeches and used the idea of Obama supporting all types of people.

Documentary of Me

Documentary of me from Amy Thornley on Vimeo.

Documentary of me, showing my work throughout ID year one.

Gestures GUI

Graphic User Interface design based around the idea of hand gestures, using characters to explore the personalities behind them. Hopefully will get this online sometime, just need to try and downsize it a little and/or create a pre-loader.

Animation to Sound no.2

Animation created in flash to a sound file we were given.

Click here to view the animation

Animation to Sound

First year flash project, stop-motion to sound. Based around the idea of 'hurrying'


Finally decided to update my blogger, posting some old work from the end of my first year in uni.

A website based around the idea of an excessive ammount of time wasted on the internet. Website best viewed in full screen.
Click here to go to the website

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

'Kern' game

Found this cool game which is a little like tetris only using typography to create the correct 'kerning'. It's a game that has been made for the iPhone and looks like great fun, and very well designed too!


Monday, 9 February 2009

Dan Hero

Though this blog hasn't been updated in a while I still really like the work on it, doodle-a-day is just that, some kind of doodle per day, usually an illustration but sometimes animations, models etc. Very cool style.

This is my favourite:

Jeffries loves the Vengaboys. Click the little fella to see him dance.

Click here for the website.

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Street Installations by Mark Jenkins

Found these cool street installation works and found them pretty interesting. I think they're made from layers of sellotape, and possibly bubble paper? But they create this cool translucent effect. I particularly like the ducks.

Check out more of his stuff @

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Jackson Pollock

This is a cool flash website that simply lets you paint lots of different coloured paint splatters and lines by moving your mouse across the screen and clicking to change the colour. Simple and very effective.

Check it out here: