Sunday, 21 December 2008

Star Wars Wii

Wow! This is a customised star wars wii! I'd love to own this personally, shame it's like $500. Though that's not bad considering the effort somebody's put into making it!

· Custom Black Case!
· Eighty-Five (85) Fiber Optic Stars
· Some Stars Fade In and Out
· Custom, Red Light Bar!! Which looks like its breathing!
· Hand Painted Death Star, X-Wing, and Darth Vader Tie-Fighter!
· Star Wars Logo in Brass!! Backlit with Yellow LED's!
· You Can Change the Fading mode to Constant ON!
· Wiimote and Nunchuk have Custom Red LED Lights in them!!

Sourced at geekologie

Ebay auction is here:, it seem's nobody bought it!

Giant Street Tetris!

Awesome street-sculptures! Who doesn't love tetris?

Click here for more info.

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Owl City Website

Just realised I never posted my website on here, so here it goes. This was for my digital practice lesson and it was to make a website using HTML and CSS for a music artist/band. I chose 'Owl City' an unsigned solo artist (despite being one of the most viewed on myspace) he makes cutesy electronic music which I took a liking to. I also thought it generated a lot of imagery ideas that I could use.

Here is my main page:

And here is a general walkthrough of my website:

Click to enlarge.

Projection Art

Cool video that shows lots of different projections onto various 3d environments using some sort of 3d mapping system. My favourite is probably the projection of the buildings lights going on and off, simple but very clever.

You can view the website here

Salt Sound Waves

I have no idea how this works, but it's pretty cool. It's an experiment using salt to physically represent sound, as the pitch gets higher the salt moves around and creates different patterns.

Warning: I'd turn your speakers down!